Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Isn't there a better way?!!

Tired of using a spoon or fork to get your hummus?
Now you can just squeeze it!
It appears this new idea is being marketing to hot dog vendors on the NYC block closest to our hearts.
You are seeing the future—today!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Free Bananas on 39(8/9)!!!

get 'em while you can!
they're in season.
unfortunately, no Gros Michel or cavendish types.
don't get greedy

Friday, October 29, 2010

Fuck Popo!!!

It's amazing the wisdom one can find scrawled on the tops of trucks here on 39 (8/9). I mean, at first I kind of liked Popo. But then after that shit he pulled with Jimmy Skids. I gotta agree: Fuck Popo.

Monday, October 18, 2010

My least favorite number is 39

On my first little league baseball team, I was issued a t-shirt with the number 2 on the back.
I thought to myself, "Yeah, that makes sense, 'cause I'm the shit!"

Over the years, the thought of a least favorite number never really occurred to me—until now.
I am not a hater and a negative person, but I cannot deny how much 39 sucks.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Finck Unbound.

After so many months, nay, years, the true splendor of the Finck building emerges from its plywood sheathing for public perusal.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn...

...and I'm stuck on 39(8/9). How I wish that I was in Brooklyn right now.